• 480-580-4017

  • 4820 E. MCDOWELL RD. STE 100 Phoenix, AZ 85008

Pillars of the Bridge Housing Program


Health and Wellness is essential to sustaining mental health.  We plan and schedule activities, educational forums and community engaged events based around the needs and interests of the people we serve.   Activities include, playing sports, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, cooking events, health fairs, diet and nutrition seminars, health specific lunch and learn events, exercise and weight loss challenges and other activities that are beneficial to the well-being of our residents.  

If an individual displays a lack of interest, we will explore new options with them to determine their interest and preferences.  The ideas are presented to management for consideration of developing and adopting to the program.

An activity is scheduled weekly and a community event is scheduled quarterly.  Each resident and/or participant is asked to complete the following:

  • Indemnification Hold/Harmless Waiver
  • Participation Consent Form
  • Photo/Video Consent Form
  • Event Evaluation Form

Any events that are result oriented will be measured and documented on a progress report with incentives.

The ultimate goal for our residents in all our health and wellness activities is to promote awareness, stimulate change and achieve success.


The lack of knowledge in financial management is one of the major causes of an individual’s economic downfall.  We integrate financial empowerment into our program by coaching and development in simple every day financial literacy.  We believe the basic knowledge is fundamental before the residents go into the community to volunteer, learn a trade or train for hire with our network of supportive partners.  

Primarily, all of the collaborations for volunteer assignments and training occurs at community based sites and focuses on each individual’s needs and preferences. The ultimate goal is for each able resident to obtain employment, preferably in the community they served to be able to financially support their family and household, confidently and with a sense of accomplishment. 

We have implemented a “Safe Savings Plan” encouraging the residents to save a percentage of their earnings to go towards their down payment on their own housing after graduation from the program


Our focus is to provide short-term, family focused services to our residents by providing guidance in parenting to help alleviate stressful situations.  The desired outcome is to keep the family united in a safe environment as they learn practical and positive approaches in nurturing, disciplining and caring for their children.  

Our most effective guidance is presented in role play between the residents and staff.  This allows engagement and the residents are less likely to feel like they are being judged or disciplined.  We provide everyday parenting scenarios and allow the residents to play the parts how they seem fit.  Depending on the scenario, we discuss “takeaways” by answering, who, what, when, where and how.  Afterwards staff reenacts the same scenario to show a positive outcome. 

Planned activities outside of the home allows them time to acquire memorable experiences that they will remember for a lifetime and the opportunity to explore the available resources of the community.  These experiences are captured in pictures and given to them to cherish.


Education is essential for advancement from every perspective. We educate the staff, parents and the children of The Bridge Housing Program to enhance their knowledge for a safe independent lifestyle.  We schedule the following meetings in house or on-site to aid in their education:

  • At Home Fire Safety with the Local Fire Department
  • Nutritional Meal Planning with Licensed Nutritionist
  • Bed Bug and Head Lice Prevention with the Local Health Department
  • Flu and Cold Season Prevention with a Nurse Practitioner

In addition, we provide videos and books to help them continue learning on their own as their interests develop from information that we have made available

Why Donate to the Keys Community Foundation?

Your donations help aid support in the four Keys Pillars.